Zero 88:
ZerOS consoles: FLX Series, Solution Series, ORB FX
Jester ML & TL consoles
Legacy consoles: ORB, FROG2, Leap Frog 48 & 96, Frog Series
We have become aware that some fixture profiles out there do not have the "snap" attribute assigned as needed by these parameters:
In order for ImageCue to work properly within a Cue stack, the "snap" attribute must be assigned!! Without this attribute, intermediary images will appear from cue to cue. (This is because ImageCue is so fast!)
ImageCue DMX512 Channel Assignments:
DMX512 Profile - Personality 1
DMX512 Profile - Personality 2
DMX512 Profile - Personality 4
The control consoles listed below have fixture profiles for ImageCue. If your console is not listed and you would like to have a profile created please let us know via email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
ZerOS consoles: FLX Series, Solution Series, ORB FX
Jester ML & TL consoles
Legacy consoles: ORB, FROG2, Leap Frog 48 & 96, Frog Series
Titan Based: Arena, Diamond 4, Pearl Expert, Quartz, Saphire Touch, Tiger Touch, Titan Mobile, Titan One
EOS Family: Ion, Gio, Ti, Element, & Nomad
Cobalt Family: Cobalt 10/20, Congo Jr, Congo Kid, & Nomad
ColorSource Family and Expression Family including Express (limited operation)
ImageCue is supported by GrandMA2 and Dot2.
The latest profile are available for download ...
ImageCue is now included in the fixture libraries of Enlighten and Lumin8 consoles.
ImageCue is now included in the ChamSys fixture library.
ImageCue is now included in the M-PC fixture library.
Whole Hog 3 and 4 Click here to download a show file inside a zip file.
Many thanks to Andrew Counts at Multi Image Group for providing this show file containing a profile for ImageCue. Extract the show file from the zip file onto a thumb drive; Load your show; Hit "Setup", "Show", "Merge Show"; Select "Next"; Then select "Import Source" and select the thumb drive. Next, select fixtures, "User Fixture", "ImageCue".
Personality und Show Files for CUETY and CUELUX. Ask here for the latest Files